Willis Family Adventures

Posts tagged fall

Raven’s Bible Verse

November 1st, 2010 | | | |

We have been working on memorizing Bible verses (for both Raven and myself). I have been amazed at how quickly she can recite this…here is a little video. She whispers part of it, so you might not be able to hear.

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right”

Ephesians 6:1


Pumpkin Patch!

October 17th, 2010 | | | | | | |

We had an incredible fall day to hit the pumpkin patch with our church group and friends yesterday! We went on a little hay ride, picked out pumpkins from the field, and the favorite part (which is no surprise at all) the bouncy house and the slide!

Loving fall, and loving my little family :)