Willis Family Adventures


February 28th, 2013 |

I still can’t believe we are in this school age with our kids. I just signed up Hazel for Preschool (she will be there for two years), and we are working on an application for Raven’s Kindergarten! I am probably way more nervous about this than she is. We decided on private school, which is further away from our house. She is also going to have to make all new friends there. We have been so blessed with wonderful friendships close by. Some of them will be going to the same school together, but as far as I know, none of them will be going to private school with her. We keep praying.
Kindergarten is also full day around here…I think I’m actually going to miss her! I really didn’t think I would feel that way, but I do. Its a long day for such a little girl to be away from home…even if she did stop napping when she was 2.
Anyways, too cute not to share…Raven’s preschool photo.

I guess I should have checked her hair before I dropped her off :)